CompassLearning needed to create an interactive presentation they could use as a sales tool to showcase their services and products. The goal was to have something they could leave behind after a sales meeting. The leave behind needed to be something that anyone could play; Mac or Windows. The decision was to put all of this content onto a CD and host it on a website. This interactive demo contains huge amounts of information, 40+ hours of narration, animation, integrated 3D, and music. To ensure all of this content fit onto a CD, I leveraged the power of Flash and Director to create a lightweight, cross-platform app.
My duties consisted of Art Direction, Animation, Design, Programming, and Production Management for this massive project. Additional pieces of this project were; Packaging and Character Design.
My duties consisted of Art Direction, Animation, Design, Programming, and Production Management for this massive project. Additional pieces of this project were; Packaging and Character Design.

Title Screen that set the design aesthetics for the interactive presentation.

Introduction of the Librarian Guide. She leads the viewer through the interactive presentation.

Main Menu with over-state on "Option 1".

Sub-menu branched off from Option 2. Over-state is on "Algebra readiness".

When selecting Option 1, you are presented with a 3D camera move through a 3D CompassLearning branded library.

Still of the Library camera move reaching the destination of the bookshelves. The blur in this still is the motion blur from the camera move ensuring smooth playback.

The Librarian meets you at the bookshelf with more instructions. The camera will make another 3D move to the books with titles to the right of our guide.

3D bookcase menu screen. The over-state is represented by the CompassLearning yellow glow of "Odyssey Language Arts". Upon selecting a book, it animates off the shelf to center screen point-of-view and then transitions into that module.

Main screen for the module. The tab of buttons at the bottom-right, are always present to the viewer. We kept them simple for ease of use. Play, Pause, and Menu buttons. The Menu button will give the user flexible options to get to any module quickly.

Sample of the type of content that follows script and narration.